<% content_for :title, "Quiz Review - Skills Assessment Admin" %>

Quiz Review

<% unless @candidate.pending? %> Name: <%= @candidate.name %>
<% end %> Test ID: <%= @candidate.test_hash %>
Years of Experience: <%= @candidate.experience %>
Client/Project: <%= @candidate.project %>
Position Type: <%= @candidate.position %>
Skill Needs: <%= @candidate.skill_needs %>
Recruiter Email: <%= mail_to @candidate.recruiter.name, @candidate.recruiter.email %>
<% @quiz.each do |question| %> <%= form_for(:answer, url: '#never-post', html:{id: 'summary-form'}) do |form| %>

<%= question.question %>

<%= image_tag question.attachment if question.attachment.present? %>
<%= render partial: "quiz/#{question.input_type}", locals: {question: question, answer: question.answer, form: form} %>
<% end %> <% end %> <%= link_to("Back to list", admin_results_path, { class: "" }) %>


<%= render partial: 'voting' %>


<% if policy(QuizComment).new? %> <%= render partial: 'comment_form', locals: {comment: @comment, test_hash: @candidate.test_hash } %> <% end %> <%= render partial: 'comment', collection: @comments, locals: { test_hash: @candidate.test_hash } %> Back to top